Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior
Research Article
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Personality traits and gross motor performance in children from Muzambinho/MG
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Correspondence to: Cassio M. Meira Jr., EACH-USP, Av. Arlindo Bettio 1000, São Paulo/SP, 03828-000.
There are no significant associations between
scores of personality traits and gross motor
performance in children from Muzambinho/MG.
Two thirds of the sample (n=190) showed
poor or very poor levels of gross motor
The motor quotient (locomotion and object
control) of the sample was below Percentile
according to TGMD-2 normative scores.
The sample exhibited low levels of
Psychoticism, average levels of Neuroticism,
and high levels of Extraversion/Introversion
and Sociability.
ETPC Escala dos Traços de
Personalidade para Crianças
IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e
PTSC Personality Trait Scale for Children
TGMD-2 Test of Gross Motor Development
Received 08 07 2019
Accepted 23 08 2019
Published 01 10 2019
BACKGROUND: Stable personality features might differentiate children while performing gross motor skills.
AIM: (1) to report the scores of four personality traits (Extraversion/Introversion, Neuroticism, Psychoticism, and
Sociability) and gross motor performance, (2) to describe the frequency of children in each level of gross motor
development, (3) to investigate relationships between personality trait scores and gross motor performance
METHOD: 190 scholars (6-12 years old) voluntarily answered the Personality Trait Scale for Children (PTSC) and
took part in the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2, Ulrich, 2000), performing six locomotor and six
object control skill tests.
RESULTS: (1) Low levels of Psychoticism, average levels of Neuroticism, and high levels of
Extraversion/Introversion and Sociability were identified. (2) The motor quotient (composed of the subscales
locomotion and object control) of the sample was positioned below Percentile 50 and two-thirds of the children
were located in the poor/very poor level of gross motor development. (3) Correlations were extremely low
between personality traits and motor variables, which prevents any prediction.
CONCLUSION: Personality traits are not associated with gross motor performance in children from
Muzambinho/MG. The low level of gross motor development should be considered in public policies and
physical activity interventions for children with similar characteristics to our sample.
KEYWORDS: Extraversion/Introversion | Neuroticism| Psychoticism| Motor Development| Motor Skill | Infancy
Motor development is characterized by constant shifts in patterns of movement
that allow physical and motor progress, both from a quantitative (greater number of
movements) and qualitative (greater complexity of movements) perspective
. The
emergence and maturation of movements occur through reorganization processes of basic
movements (running, jumping, throwing) into increasingly complex ones so that the child
acquires a wide range of combined movements for future application in specific
. The TGMD-2 focus is on gross motor skills regarding object control and
locomotion oriented to a goal and involving large, force-producing muscles of the trunk,
arms, and legs
. One of the main tests to investigate gross motor performance in children
is the TGMD-2
, a well-constructed and standardized test including locomotor and object
control skills. The TGMD-2 was designed to evaluate motor performance associated with
University of São Paulo. São Paulo, Brazil, School of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro. Department of Sport Sciences, Uberaba, MG, Brazil.
University of São Paulo. São Paulo, Brazil, School of Physical Education and Sport, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
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changes in motor development, and is a means of screening the level of motor
performance in childhood to prevent lifelong problems with motor skills and self-concept
There is evidence that supports the association of self-concept with personality traits
Personality has been shown to be the main field of investigation of individual
differences in the motor domain
. Due to their relatively stable and long-lasting
characteristics, personality traits are predispositions that describe personality profiles of an
individual across time and contexts. Eysenck's personality model
advocates that
personality is formed by traits, which have mostly been attributed to genetic inheritance
The effects of these personality predispositions on behavioral patterns have been reported
in motor performance as a potential tool for individualizing instruction as well as for
selecting people who are more prone to perform specific functions or tasks
. There
are questionnaires to measure personality traits, which show positive and significant
correlations with direct (cortical activation level) and indirect (electrical conductance of the
skin) psychological and physiological measurements of personality
. Personality
questionnaires enable researchers to classify an individual, for example, in the trait of
extraversion/introversion, high scores describe a typical extravert, low scores a typical
introvert, and intermediate scores portray an ambivert.
Psychoticism refers to tough-mindedness, aggressiveness, and egocentrism with
high scores implying individualism, impulsivity, and loneliness. Neuroticism, in turn, is
associated with emotional instability such that high scores indicate that individuals tend to
have significant levels of anxiety, hostility, and vulnerability. Extraversion/introversion
entails characteristics of vivacity, creativity, and the search for sensations in such a way
that an introverted person (low scores) predisposes her/himself to being quiet and
reserved, while an extraverted person (high scores) tends to be sociable, seek stimuli, and
take risks. Sociability is related to the tendency to behave within social rules and
conveniences so that lower scores signify some independence from social norms (even
behaving antisocially), while high scores predispose the individual to behave within the
limits of desirable rules
. Differences in personality traits have been explained by
cortical levels. Extraverts are distinguished from introverts because of their different basal
levels of cortical activation. Introverts exhibit higher levels and, consequently, try to avoid
stimuli, whereas extraverts are known as stimuli-hunters due to their low cortical
Studies have determined relationships between personality traits and motor
behavior in adults
and children
. However, the studies conducted with
children were limited by small samples and the scrutiny of only one personality trait of
. In this vein, we believe that more thorough investigation is needed,
employing a large sample and focusing not only on one trait but on a set of personality
traits. Thus, our objectives were threefold: (1) to report the scores of (a) four personality
traits (Extroversion/Introversion, Neuroticism, Psychoticism, and Sociability) and (b) gross
motor performance (locomotion, object control, and motor quotient); (2) to describe the
frequency of children in each normative range of gross motor performance; (3) to
investigate relationships between personality trait scores and gross motor performance
scores. The hypothesis of objective 1 was that personality trait scores and motor
performance scores would be similar to other Brazilian samples. The hypothesis of
objective 2 was that the majority of children would fall into or above average normative
ranges (average and above average). Regarding the third objective we expected that there
would be (a) direct and high magnitude correlations between Extraversion/Introversion and
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Sociability scores and gross motor coordination scores and (b) inverse and high magnitude
correlations between Neuroticism and Psychoticism scores and gross motor coordination
scores - as a result of these hypotheses, personality traits would predict gross motor
A total of 190 students from 6 to 12 years of age (average of 7.8 ± 1.2 years),
from five public schools in Muzambinho/MG participated in this study. The stratification by
age group was distributed as follows: 11 girls and 16 boys of 6 years of age, 32 girls and
25 boys of 7 years of age, 32 girls and 31 boys of 8 years of age, 15 girls and 15 boys of 9
years of age, three children of each sex in the 10-year age group, two girls and three boys
in the 11-year age group, and two 12-year-old boys. The research was approved by the
Research Ethics Committee under 13832. The children and their parents/guardians
formally consented to participate in the study by signing a consent form which assured
confidentiality and anonymity. The inclusion criterion was the child's desire to participate
and the exclusion criterion was the existence of any physical issue that prevented the child
from moving. This work is part of a longitudinal study - for details see Basso et al.
. The
parents completed the Brazilian Economic Classification Criteria questionnaire from the
Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) which showed that 90% of the sample
belonged to economic classifications C and D (where A1, A2, B1, and B2 are above and E
is below these classifications). We also scrutinized physical activity levels via a
and the responses indicated similar levels of mild (minimal effort),
moderate (not exhausting), and total (mild+moderate+strenuous in a week) physical
activity; the boys reported slightly higher levels of strenuous (heart beats rapidly) physical
activity than the girls; 7-year-old children of both sexes reported lower levels of strenuous
physical activity. The sample demonstrated average levels of total weekly physical activity
and, in general, younger boys and older girls self-declared lower values, indicating that
there is no significant change in total physical activity across ages for either sex.
Instruments, design and procedure
Individually and in a quiet room the children answered the Personality Trait Scale
for Children (PTSC) (in Portuguese: Escala dos Traços de Personalidade para Crianças
ETPC), a valid instrument to measure personality traits in Brazilian children (12). When
necessary, the researchers helped the children to answer the questions, clarifying the
meaning of difficult words, generally by verbalizing synonyms. The PTSC evaluates traits
of Extraversion/Introversion (0-10), Neuroticism (0-7), Psychoticism (0-11), and Sociability
(0-6). The answers to the 30 questions are in the form of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. A sample of
questions is as follows: 1- Do you like to make a joke that bothers another person? 2-
Would you like to know that other children are afraid of you? 3- Are you joyful and fun? 4-
Do you sometimes feel sad without knowing why? 5- Do you sometimes like to make
animals feel mad?
Gross motor performance was evaluated by the Test of Gross Movement
Development (TGMD-2)
, consisting of six locomotor (run, gallop, hop, leap, horizontal
jump, and slide) and six object control (striking a stationary ball, stationary dribble, catch,
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kick, overhand throw, and underhand roll) skills. Test protocol and performance criteria
were applied in accordance with the TGMD-2 examiner's manual. For each skill, one
researcher demonstrated each movement once before the child performed a familiarization
trial followed by two main trials. The trials were filmed and analyzed in slow motion using
Kinovea software. These two trials were considered for analyses: if the child performed a
skill component, the observer marked ‘1’ and if the child did not perform the component the
observer marked ‘0’. The observers agreed on at least 90% of all skills, representing
reasonable intraobserver and interobserver reliability
. The examiner completed this
procedure for each of the two trials and then worked out the total score. The scores of
each skill were added to the subtest scores (locomotion and object control) which, in turn,
were converted into a standard score that was finally combined and converted into the
Gross Motor Quotient. Calculation steps were performed in the following order: 1) the total
score of the two main trials of each skill for each movement class = gross score of
locomotion and object control subtests; 2) decoding of each gross score in percentiles
according to the norm for sex and age = percentile for each subtest; 3) total of the
percentiles; 4) decoding of the motor quotient scale. For methodological details of TGMD-2
analysis, see previous studies carried out in Muzambinho/MG
Data analysis
Data related to objectives 1 and 2 were analyzed by means of exploratory and
descriptive statistical techniques for each variable.
Data of the third objective were analyzed through associations between variables
in the form of interclass correlations, a statistical technique used to determine the
relationship between two or more interval or discrete variables.
For all analyses, significant levels were set at 5%. We used Microsoft Excel for
data registration, organization, and tabulation, and SPSS version 24 (IBM) for statistical
Scores on personality traits
The mean value of Extraversion/Introversion was 6.95, with a standard deviation
of 1.49 (from 0 to 10); the majority, 124 children (65.3%), received scores above average
and 66 (34.7%) below average. Concerning Neuroticism, the mean was 3.85 and the
standard deviation 1.71, with a range from 0 to 7; there were 112 children (59.9%) above
and 78 (41.1%) below average. The children scored a mean of 2.80 in Psychoticism with a
standard deviation of 2.02 (range 0 to 9); 102 children (53.7%) were below and 88 (46.3%)
above average. Regarding Sociability, the mean was 3.72 and the standard deviation 1.73
(range 0 to 6); 108 children (56.8%) were above and 82 children (43.2%) below average
(Table 1).
Table 1 – Means ± standard deviations of personality traits
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Motor performance scores
Raw scores on each subscale were converted to standard scores which ranged
from 1 to 20. For the locomotion subscale, the mean value was 5.27 and the standard
deviation 1.43. With respect to the object control subscale, the mean was 7.21 with a
standard deviation 2.29 (Table 2).
The mean value of the motor quotient (ranging from 46 to 120) was 77.42 with a
standard deviation of 8.66; 102 children (53.7%) were below, while 88 (46.3%) were above
average (Table 2).
Frequency of children in levels of gross motor development
According to the normative ranges proposed by the TGMD-2 test manual for the
level of gross motor development, 17 children (9%) were above average, 50 (26.3%) on
average, 70 (36.8%) below average with a poor level, and 53 (27.9%) below average with
a very poor level. The majority of children (64.7%) exhibited levels which were below
average, that is, poor or very poor, while less than 10% of participants scored above
average. This pattern points to a strong tendency towards low levels of gross motor
development (Table 3).
Associations between scores of personality traits and gross motor
The exploratory analysis indicated an absence of extreme outlier values. The
Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution normality test with significance correction of Lilliefors
indicated test values lower than 0.0001 in all the variables of interest:
Extraversion/Introversion (0.167), Neuroticism (0.160), Psychoticism (0.192), Sociability
(0.148), Locomotion (0.164), Object Control (0.120), and Motor Quotient (0.116). The most
appropriate correlation technique for this violation of normal distribution of values, without
data transformation, is Spearman's nonparametric correlation.
The Spearman's correlation matrix between personality trait and motor
performance scores can be visualized in Table 4. Significant correlations were identified
only within traits (negative between Neuroticism and Sociability and between Psychoticism
and Sociability, positive between Neuroticism and Extraversion/Introversion) and within
gross motor performance variables (all positive: Locomotion and Object Control,
Locomotion and Motor Quotient, and Object Control and Motor Quotient).
Table 2 – Means ± standard deviations of locomotion scores and object control
Locomotion (1-20)
Object Control
Motor Quotient
* 102 (53.7%) below average; 88 (46.3%) above average
Table 3 – Frequencies of children in each TGMD-2 normative range
Above Average
Very Poor
17 (9%)
50 (26.3%)
70 (36.8%)
53 (27.9%)
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No significant correlations were detected between personality traits and motor
performance scores; hence it was not necessary to proceed with a regression analysis in
order to establish presumed causal relations among indicators (TGMD-2 and personality
The first objective of the present study was to report personality traits and motor
performance scores. As expected, these values were similar to other Brazilian samples
from Recife/PE
and São Paulo/SP
. High scores were observed in
Extraversion/Introversion and Sociability (60%-70% of the maximum score), low scores in
Psychoticism (below 30% of the maximum score), and average scores in Neuroticism
(50%-60% of the maximum score). Regarding TGMD-2 standardized motor performance
values, our sample scored below average on both locomotion and object control subscales
and on motor quotient. This pattern corroborates similar Brazilian studies conducted in
and Muzambinho/MG
We also aimed to describe the frequency of children in each normative range of
gross motor performance. Our expectation was that the frequency of children would be
higher in the upper normative bands, that is, average and above average. This hypothesis
was refuted since the results demonstrated that the majority of the children were classified
as having poor and very poor motor development. Other studies with Brazilian children
found similar results
. One of the possible reasons for this undesirable gross motor
behavior could be the low levels of physical activity; however, additional data from the
children on physical activity levels (see Participants in the Method section) showed that the
average level of total (weekly) physical activity is satisfactory. This lack of association
between motor performance and level of physical activity in Brazilian children has also
been detected in a previous study
. It is possible that the poor motor performance of our
sample is due to the nature of the skills test. Although the TGMD-2 was conceived and
Table 4 - Spearman's correlation matrix between personality traits and gross motor performance
Object Control
Motor Quotient
*p<0.05; **p<0.01.
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employing prevailing motor skills from baseball, softball, and football (from the
United States of America), even in societies where such sports are not popular (Brazil, for
instance), more satisfactory gross motor performance was expected, with at least the
majority of the children gaining average scores. Apart from striking a stationary ball, which
is not a popular practice in Brazilian children's daily life, the TGMD-2 skills should be
familiar to schoolchildren from six to twelve years of age, whether in formal or informal
settings. Even though children are potentially capable of acquiring proficient
developmental patterns in the studied age groups, there appears to be evidence that they
are not reaching these standards at the end of the fundamental movement phase
. In
addition, the lack of practice opportunities and the involvement of children with drugs might
drive out motor development
. Thus, it seems important that additional opportunities for
practice be given to children for them to acquire and refine motor skills throughout their
motor development process. In this context, physical education at school is one of the
scenarios where children can experience motor activities that provide a skill-based
background for a healthy lifetime
Another aim of the present study was to investigate relationships between scores
of personality traits and gross motor performance. As movement is associated with
concepts of vitality, expansiveness, energy, and social acceptance, our expectation was
that there would be (a) direct and high magnitude correlations between
Extraversion/Introversion and Sociability scores and gross motor performance scores and
(b) inverse and high magnitude correlations between Neuroticism and Psychoticism scores
and gross motor performance scores. Accordingly, personality traits would be predictors of
gross motor performance. Instead, our findings indicated extremely low correlations
between personality variables in the four traits of interest and motor variables of
locomotion, object control, and motor quotient. Although several relationships have been
reported in the literature between personality traits and motor performance in adults
we found a lack of significant relationships between these variables in our sample of 190
children. Indeed, this absence of relationships between personality traits and motor
performance has also been detected in similar studies with reduced samples
. During
childhood, the individual develops self-concept
, a process of self-recognition which is
linked to personality consolidation. In this regard, we feel that our weak correlations
between personality traits and gross motor performance may be due to the difficulty
children have to define themselves. On account of this, we sustain that the children's
responses to the PTSC may have been influenced by this limitation.
There were extremely low correlations between personality variables in the four
traits of interest and the TGMD-2 motor variables of locomotion, object control, and motor
quotient; hence no predictions were possible. Although the literature suggests that
personality traits can influence adult motor performance, it appears that this pattern of
association does not apply to children.
According to the scores in the PTSC questionnaire, our children demonstrated low
levels of Psychoticism, average levels of Neuroticism, and high levels of
Extroversion/Introversion and Sociability. With regard to the level of gross motor
development - comprised of locomotion and object control subscales - motor quotient was
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positioned below Percentile 50 of the TGMD-2 normative rank. In addition, two-thirds of the
children were classified as showing poor/very poor gross motor development.
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We thank the children who took part in the study and the data collection team. We
are also grateful to Willian Peres Lemos, Januária Andrea de Souza, Elisângela Silva, and
Wagner Zeferino who provided local support to enable the study in Muzambinho. We also
thank Professors Jose Maia and Antonio Prista for the inspiration and support.
Citation: Meira Jr CM, Gomes AC, Gomes FRF, Santos SP, Basso L, Tani G. Personality traits and gross motor
performance in children from Muzambinho/MG. BJMB.2019:13(3): 124-132.
Editor: Dr Fabio Augusto Barbieri - São Paulo State University (UNESP), Bauru, SP, Brazil; Dr José Angelo Barela -
São Paulo State University (UNESP), Rio Claro, SP, Brazil; Dr Natalia Madalena Rinaldi - Federal University of
Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória, ES, Brazil.
Copyright: © 2019 Meira Jr, Gomes, Gomes, Santos, Basso and Tani and BJMB. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International
License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Funding: This work was sponsored by CNPq - Edital Universal 19\2004 - Processo 478202/2004-0, and Edital
MCT/CNPq 15/2007 - Processo 478249/2007-1.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.