BJMB! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Special issue:
“Control of Gait and Posture: a tribute to Professor Lilian T. B. Gobbi”
task constantly performed in everyday life, getting up from a chair is complex, requiring dynamic balance control, movement coordination
between the trunk and upper-lower limbs, and lower limb muscle strength
. Of particular interest as a tool for balance evaluation,
previous studies have shown that the FTSS is able to predict risk of recurrent falls
and to reveal balance disorders
. From these
findings, completion time in this test can be expected to be associated with measures of dynamic balance.
The TUG test requires the participant to get up from a chair, walking quickly toward a frontal target 3 m away on the floor,
circumvent the target (180 degrees turning), return to the chair and sit down. This is a straightforward mobility test
, but it has also
been described as a reliable clinical balance test
, having been suggested as a predictor of fall risk
. Further studies have shown that
during TUG performance, the addition of a secondary task (cognitive or motor) can increase the test's ability to discriminate fallers
Similar to the FTSS, this test has a limitation as a tool for direct measurement of dynamic balance, given that it can be assumed to be
affected by factors other than body balance, such as lower limb muscular strength and movement speed. In this regard, completion times
observed on performance of both FTSS and TUG can be thought to reflect relevant factors not directly related to dynamic balance.
Trunk accelerometry has been widely used for the assessment of balance control, both in quiet upright posture
and in
dynamic tasks
. Trunk acceleration indicates the rate of velocity change of the largest body segment, representing then a sensitive
measurement of trunk stability over time in static and dynamic balance tasks. By using a triaxial accelerometer, one can evaluate trunk
(balance) stability both the anteroposterior and mediolateral directions. This measuring tool that has been shown to be reliable and valid
for the evaluation of balance stability in healthy individuals
. Evaluation of trunk accelerometry through root mean square values has
been shown to be one of the most sensitive, reliable, and valid measurement of balance stability for healthy and neurological older
, indicating the central tendency of the acceleration magnitude. With an accelerometer attached to the lower trunk,
acceleration data expresses the magnitude of the trunk oscillation, serving as an index of postural stability, allowing for a direct and
accurate assessment of body balance. In different studies, accelerometry has been used to assess stability components in clinical tests
. However, there is a scarcity of tests in the literature objectively assessing dynamic balance in older individuals. In addition to
analyzing whether the already established tests actually correlate with balance through a direct measurement of trunk stability, a test that
more faithfully indicates dynamic balance is lacking in clinical evaluations. Since the tests currently employed in clinical research have
important extraneous components to balance affecting completion time, it becomes evident the relevance of understanding the extent to
which the completion time in the clinical tests TUG and FTSS is associated with direct measurements of balance stability during their
performance. Additionally, it is possible that a variation of TUG requiring increased body balance may be more discriminative of dynamic
balance than the conventional version in older participants. In this regard, walking on a narrow path has been shown to discriminate
between fallers and non-fallers in older individuals
. When used in association with trunk acceleration measurements, walking on a
straight line can provide useful information on balance stability in healthy older adults
. Measurement of trunk acceleration in the
mediolateral (ML) direction, in particular, can reflect the lateral trunk stability of the different components of the tests requiring chair
standing up and sitting (TUG and FTSS), in addition to walking straight forward and 180
body turning (TUG). All these test components
can be thought to be improved by having increased lateral trunk stability during their performance. From these findings, employment of a
narrow support base for the gait component of the TUG test, requiring walking on a straight line, might make the completion time more
representative of the balance component of this test
In the current investigation, we performed an exploratory pilot investigation in older individuals with the following primary aims:
(1) to evaluate the correlation of completion times observed in the FTSS and in different versions of the TUG test with a direct
measurement of trunk stability given by accelerometry while performing these tests; (2) to compare completion time and trunk stability of
a new version of the TUG test requiring increased dynamic balance with the versions being currently used of this test. As a secondary
aim, we evaluated the correlation between tests for both completion time and trunk acceleration to estimate the extent to which
performance in one test can predict performance in the others.
Fifteen physically active individuals without history of falls, aged 60-86 years (M = 69.56±5.89 years), 5 men and 10 women,
participated in this study. All of them were contacted in programs for physical activity for seniors. The inclusion criteria were as follows:
ability to get up from a chair and walk unassistedly, and no reports of illness (e.g., neurologic), injury (e.g., orthopedic) or medication
consumption (e.g., muscle relaxant) that might affect performance in the applied tests. The single exclusion criterion was the inability to
perform one or more of the tests. The participants signed an informed consent form, which was approved by the local university ethics