Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior
Special Issue:
“Fatigue Role in Modulating Motor Skills and Muscular Responses”
Bedo, Kalva-Filho
182 of 185
Editorial:!Fatigue Role in Modulating Motor Skills and Muscular Responses
School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Human Movement Research Laboratory, Faculty of Science, São Paulo State University, Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil
Correspondence to:!Bruno L. S. Bedo
School of Physical Education and Sport - University of São Paulo. Av. Prof. Mello Moraes - 65, Butantã. São Paulo/SP, Brazil - 05508-030. ORCID: 0000-0003-3821-
CAI Chronic ankle instability
DOMS Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Received 25 09 2023
Accepted 29 09 2023
Published 30 09 2023
This editorial beckons readers to the intricate relationship between fatigue and motor control
skills. This theme is explored in the ensuing special issue through the lens of esteemed
researchers in the field. The articles within this issue provide a comprehensive and insightful
analysis of how fatigue acts as a silent saboteur, subtly undermining the efficiency and
efficacy of motor responses and skills. Through a tapestry of carefully conducted studies and
thought-provoking findings, contributors shed light on how fatigue insidiously affects
neuromuscular responses, from altering muscle activation during specific tasks to influencing
the onset of muscle soreness. This special issue, therefore, serves as a launching pad for a
much-needed research agenda. It invites scholars and practitioners alike to engage with and
further investigate the relationship between fatigue and motor control skills, thereby
contributing to our growing understanding and knowledge of this area.
KEYWORDS: Fatigue | Motor Control | Neuromuscular Control | Postural Stability
The body perpetually experiences deformations, altering its resting state and obstructing its balance maintenance capabilities.
This includes a spectrum of motor skills where maintaining balance is just one aspect. Yet, it is intertwined with various physiological
functions that are essential for the execution of coordinated movements. As we explore motor skills, it is important to consider how the
body harmonizes these functions to perform smooth and precise actions. Bouisset and Duchêne
noted that although respiratory
movements introduce minor disturbances, they are not the exclusive contributors to postural sway. Slight angular adjustments in the
lower trunk and limbs somewhat neutralize such activities
. De Luca et al.
pinpointed the neuromuscular system's incapacity to maintain
steady tension as a fundamental cause of postural sway in an upright stance. Hence, the body's organization during motor activities is
intricately crafted, incorporating visual, vestibular, musculotendinous, articular, and cutaneous sensory information
. Furthermore, motor
control is influenced by various systems, with fatigue being a noteworthy factor due to its complexity and substantial impact on motor
Fatigue is often defined as the inability to continue working at a specific exercise intensity
. It typically manifests suddenly at
"the point" of exhaustion. However, fatigue begins almost immediately once exercise starts, with muscles' maximum force-generating
capacity diminishing progressively from the onset of activity until they ultimately fail. In this context, a more accurate definition of fatigue
might be any reduction in the ability to exert muscle force or power induced by exercise
. During exercise, muscle fatigue emerges from
intricate interplays among various bodily systems, manifesting as a decline in the capacity to generate muscle force or power due to
Different models are proposed to explain exercise-induced fatigue. Historically, the scientific community efforts were
concentrated on reducing the fatigue phenomenon to a simple and widely accepted concept. Who has never heard that lactate acidosis is
the cause of exercise-induced fatigue? Factually, this theory has contributed to slowing down our progress regarding understanding the
fatigue phenomenon. A more embracing model based on feedback such as the Catastrophe model or feedforward mechanisms (e.g.,
Central Governor Theory
) were also proposed to enhance the scientific knowledge about fatigue. Another attempt to define this
phenomenon is to distinguish fatigue using the perceived and performance fatigability domains, which refer to the subject’s feelings and
incapability to perform the task. However, these models are limited to explaining the performance decline during self-paced events or the
fatigue induced by disease states, demonstrating the difficulty of reducing the fatigue phenomenon to a simple concept.
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Special Issue:
“Fatigue Role in Modulating Motor Skills and Muscular Responses”
Beyond these conceptual issues, fatigue, distinguished by its dual domains of perceived and performance fatigabilities,
detrimentally impacts individuals' physical and cognitive functions. Given these implications, it is critical to expand our analysis to include
a variety of motor skills. This should involve a thorough investigation into how fatigue influences the dynamic interplay between body
segments, a fundamental aspect of activities ranging from basic gestures to coordinated movements. Thus, the present special issue
aims to advance the knowledge about the fatigue effects in modulating motor skills and muscular responses.
The intricate connection between fatigue and motor control is a complex relationship deserving the exploration provided in this
special issue. The contributions offer a panoramic view of fatigue's subtle yet profound influence on motor responses and skills. They
provide invaluable insights for scholars and practitioners, from understanding how fatigue undermines motor efficiency to exploring its
role in the onset of muscle soreness and the alteration of muscle activation. The findings presented herein are pivotal, serving as a
beacon guiding future research in this domain. The work by Rinaldin et al.
and the study conducted by Teruya et al.
are particularly
noteworthy, each addressing significant gaps in the literature and providing fresh perspectives on the role of fatigue in motor control and
stability. The insights gleaned from these studies and others featured in this issue collectively contribute to a deeper understanding of the
compensatory mechanisms activated during fatigue and the influence of muscle strength on stability in the lower extremities.
Furthermore, exploring the relationship between hip abductor strength and lower limb stability, as presented by Cemin et al.
, adds a
valuable layer to our understanding of motor control under the influence of fatigue. This study, along with others in the issue, underscores
the importance of considering physiological differences, such as sex, in the experience and manifestation of fatigue and pain, as
highlighted by the research of Lemos et al.
. These considerations are crucial for developing more effective and personalized
approaches to patient management, clinical evaluation, and rehabilitation in the face of fatigue and DOMS. Below the main findings of the
studies of this special issue are presented.
Different studies have documented balance asymmetry under various conditions and tasks. In this context, the current issue
features work by Rinaldin et al.
that addresses a gap in the literature regarding the role of leg dominance in compensatory muscular
activation between legs during unilateral muscular fatigue, especially during unanticipated stance perturbations. The findings highlight
that compensatory activation is notably present in the lateral gastrocnemius muscle, playing a vital role in maintaining an upright stance.
Intriguingly, this compensatory behavior is evident from the first muscular response in a fatigued state, suggesting that the central
nervous system can preemptively anticipate the effects of unilateral muscular fatigue on reactive responses without previous experience.
Moreover, the study found no significant impact of leg dominance on reactive responses under unilateral fatigue, reinforcing the concept
of bi-hemispheric cortical participation in generating reactive postural responses. These findings contribute to the literature by providing
insights into the compensatory mechanisms activated during unilateral fatigue and the lack of influence of footedness on these
In light of fatigue's impact on the lower extremities, existing literature emphasizes that individuals with chronic ankle instability
(CAI) experience reduced muscle strength, limited dorsiflexion motion range, and delayed responses from ankle muscles
. Additionally,
fatigue brings about significant alterations in neuromuscular responses. Considering the complex relationship between fatigue and
muscle co-activation in individuals with CAI is crucial for understanding fatigue’s extensive effects on neuromuscular function nality. The
article by Teruya et al.
critically evaluates how fatigue influences muscle co-activation in individuals with CAI. It reveals a decrease in
antagonistic and synergistic coactivations, indicating a reduced ability to stiffen the joint, which is essential for protecting the ankle during
inversion movements, the primary mechanism leading to ankle sprains. This crucial finding underscores the need to develop and
implement targeted interventions to enhance ankle stability in CAI patients, providing invaluable insights for clinicians and healthcare
professionals caring for individuals with CAI.
Weakness in the hip abductor muscles, essential for maintaining posture
, can lead to changes in the ankle muscles,
potentially resulting in reduced postural balance
. Therefore, investigating compensatory mechanisms in bilateral tasks and the varied
responses in the lower limb's distal muscles is essential for understanding their role in maintaining stability. The work of Cemin et al.
explored the impact of a session of hip abductor resistance exercise until failure on foot kinematics and electromyography amplitude of
muscles crucial for foot stabilization during various landing tasks. The authors highlight the connection between hip abductor strength and
stability in the lower extremities. They also provide valuable insights into the role of hip abductor muscles and their influence on lower
limb stability during different landing tasks. The article's findings contribute to the existing literature by elucidating the relationship
between proximal muscle strength and distal limb stability, offering a basis for future studies to investigate further this dynamic and its
implications for tasks like running.
Fatigue is intrinsically linked to physical exercise, often culminating in Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) when the
exercise is performed at high intensities, involving unusual movement amplitudes and speeds, or experiencing a sudden increase in
exercise load
. DOMS is characterized by various symptoms, including pain, stiffness in joints and muscles, muscle swelling, and a
decline in strength, which become evident when the affected muscles are stretched or palpated
. However, it is essential to note that
adaptations to exercise and pain perception vary between sexes, with physiological differences influencing the experience of pain.
Considering this, Lemos et al.
investigated whether there are differences in pain outcomes, measured using a Numerical Rating Scale,
between males and females subjected to physical exercise designed to induce DOMS in the lower limbs. The study found that numerical
rate scale outcomes are consistent between both sexes. Nonetheless, females exhibited lower absolute values of pressure pain
threshold than males when DOMS was present. This crucial finding suggests that the sex difference in DOMS, as measured by the
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pressure pain threshold, is likely attributable to females' heightened sensitivity to the pain threshold rather than the specific exercise
performed. These results significantly affect clinical evaluations and patient management in sports performance and rehabilitation.
Thus, considering all the above mentioned results, the present special issue serves as a mirror reflecting the current state of
knowledge and a window opening toward future possibilities in studying fatigue and motor control. The studies and findings in these
pages invite researchers and practitioners to continue exploring fatigue's role in motor skills and control. Through continued inquiry and
investigation, the field can look forward to developing more effective theories, strategies, and interventions to mitigate the impact of
fatigue, ultimately enhancing the efficacy and efficiency of motor responses and skills in various contexts and populations.
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Citation: Bedo BLS, Kalva-Filho CA. (2023).!Editorial: Fatigue Role in Modulating Motor Skills and Muscular Responses. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 17(5):182-
Editor-in-chief: Dr Fabio Augusto Barbieri - São Paulo State University (UNESP), Bauru, SP, Brazil. !
Associate editors: Dr José Angelo Barela - São Paulo State University (UNESP), Rio Claro, SP, Brazil; Dr Natalia Madalena Rinaldi - Federal University of Espírito Santo
(UFES), Vitória, ES, Brazil; Dr Renato de Moraes University of São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil.
Guest editors: Dr. Bruno L. S. Bedo - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; Dr. Carlos A. Kalva-Filho - São Paulo State University, Bauru, SP, Brazil.!
Copyright:© 2023 Bedo and Kalva-Filho and BJMB. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No
Derivatives 4.0 International License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: Nothing to declare.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.