Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior
Research Article
Friderisch et al.
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There is no difference between two and five minutes of static stretching training and
detraining on gastrocnemius medialis muscle thickness, pennation angle and fascicle
Biomechanics and Kinesiology Research Group, Exercise Research Laboratory, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Kinesiology and Kinesiotherapy Research Group, Exercise Research Laboratory, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil
Correspondence to: Anelize Cini
Exercise Research Laboratory, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Phone number: +55 54 99967-4342.
6-weeks of passive stretching did not generate muscle
architectural adaptations.
Ultrasound analyses for muscle thickness have an
excellent inter-analyzer reliability.
• The inter-analyzers reliability for fascicle length is good.
• The inter-analyzers reliability for pennation angle varies
from moderated to good.
CI Confidence Interval
CV Coefficient of variance
ES Effect size
FL Fascicle length
GC Control group
GM Gastrocnemius Medialis
G2 2-minutes of PSS
G5 5-minutes of PSS
ICC Intraclass correlation coefficients
IPAQ International physical activity questionnaire
MDC Minimum detectable change
MT Muscle thickness
PA Pennation angle
PSS Passive static stretching
ROM Range of motion
SD Standard deviation
SEM Standard error of measurement
TTUS Total time under stretching
Received 01 05 2024
Accepted 26 06 2024
Published 19 07 2024
BACKGROUND: Skeletal muscle’s architecture can undergo temporary or permanent
adaptations when subjected to chronic passive loading, such as during passive static
stretching (PSS).
AIM: We evaluated the effects of a 6-week PSS program, with two and five minutes of
duration, on the architecture of the Gastrocnemius Medialis (GM) muscle. In addition, we
determined the inter-analyzer reliability of the GM’s muscle architecture images analysis
METHOD: 30 healthy adults participated in this study. Participants were divided into three
groups: Control Group (CG), 2-minutes of PSS (G2) and 5-minutes of PSS (G5). Plantar
flexors’ PSS was applied three times a week for 6 weeks. Participants were assessed before
intervention, after intervention, and two weeks post detraining. GM’s muscle thickness (MT),
pennation angle (PA) and fascicle length (FL) were measured with an ultrasound system by
an experienced evaluator. All images were analyzed by two independent analyzers, using the
Image-J software.
RESULTS: No significant effects were identified (p>0.05) of the PSS program on muscle
architecture parameters. No architectural changes were observed following the detraining
period. GM’s MT results presented excellent reliability, while good reliability was found for the
FL measures. For PA, good reliability was only observed for the post-intervention moment. On
the pre-intervention and follow-up moments, the intraclass correlation coefficients values were
CONCLUSION: A 6-week PSS program did not generate adaptations on GM’s muscle
architecture parameters in healthy subjects, independent of the stretching duration. Muscle
architecture parameters are reliable when analyzed by different analyzers following clinical
KEYWORDS: Ultrasound | Fascicle length | Pennation angle | Muscle thickness | Muscle
Stretching Exercises
Muscle stretching is widely used in rehabilitation programs and sports training with the aim of increasing flexibility and
improving functional performance
. One of the most popular types of muscle stretching used in clinical practice is the passive static
stretching (PSS). This technique consists in placing the muscles in a maximal position of stretch and holding it there for a determined
time period
It is clear in the literature that, in addition to the fast and easy implementation in training programs, PSS is considered one of
Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior
Friderichs et al.
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Research Article
the safest and most reliable way to obtain range of motion (ROM) gains
. These flexibility gains are explained based on theories
involving neural and mechanical plastic adaptations
. The neural plastic adaptations are mainly related to an increase in stretch
tolerance, while the mechanical plastic aspects are related to microstructural level responses, such as serial sarcomere number increase
(sarcomerogenesis) and tendon or muscle mechanical properties changes
Conflicting results have been observed regarding the chronic adaptations of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle (GM’s)
architecture, such as muscle thickness (MT), pennation angle (PA) and fascicle length (FL), after PSS interventions
. Chronic PSS has
been reported to induce adaptations in GM’s MT (increase or decrease), PA (increase or decrease), and FL (increase)
, and the total
time under stretching [(TTUS) = (time of each stretching set × number of sets of each session × number of sessions)] in these studies
ranged from 48 to 945 minutes
. In the studies that did not find changes on GM’s muscle architecture parameters, TTUS ranged from
36 to 672 minutes
. Furthermore, in addition to their differences in TTUS, the studies differed in terms of population, PSS duration
and intensity.
We found three reviews (literature review) about PSS training effects. The first, a systematic review with meta-analysis, did not
identify significant changes on muscle architecture parameters of the biceps femoris and triceps surae muscles after PSS protocols with
durations between 3 and 8 weeks
. The second, concluded that stretching does not appear to confer beneficial changes in muscle size
and architecture
. The third (also a systematic review with meta-analysis), identified that stretching training induces trivial increases in
FL at rest and small increases in FL during stretching, but no increases were observed in either fascicle PA or MT
. However, due to the
heterogeneity of the reviewed studies in relation to the stretching protocols and the different methodologies used, it is not possible to
determine which are the chronic effects of PSS on muscle architecture parameters and how these changes can affect long-term flexibility.
In addition, PSS training effects may be affected by the methodology used for the ultrasound image data collection and data
analysis. B-mode ultrasound is the most popular technique used for measuring the architectonic parameters of skeletal muscles
Nevertheless, this technique depends of the evaluator’s experience and, therefore, without due training, it can be susceptible to
measurement errors
. In general, after the image acquisition process, images are exported to a specific image-analyzer software, in
which muscle architecture parameters are measured manually
. On this step, factors such as different analyzers or analyzers with
different time experience, different evaluation moments and the extrapolation method to quantify the FL may compromise the values of
the analyzed variables
Studies have reported excellent results for intra-analyzer and inter-analyzer reliability for muscle architecture parameters, with
high values of intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC>0.82)
. These outcomes are important because they allow to determine if the
method of image analyses, repeated on multiple occasions or by different analyzers, are reliable and sensitive enough to track
. Despite that, apparently only two studies investigated if the magnitude of standard error of measurement (SEM) of
ultrasound image analysis surpasses the possible alterations on the variables of interest (MT, PA, and FL), but none of these studies
determined this during and after clinical interventions
. Furthermore, only one study calculated the minimum detectable change (MDC)
of these parameters
, and, despite being reliable, due to their relatively large MDC, they suggest that clinically derived ultrasound
measurements of muscle architecture in GM are more likely to be useful to detect differences between populations than to detect
changes in muscle architecture following interventions. However, until the present moment, no studies were found in the literature
evaluating all three muscle architecture parameters following interventions and performing a reliability analysis of the architectural
parameters. Therefore, it is not clear how reliable obtained architectural values are, when determining muscular adaptations after clinical
intervention (e.g., chronic stretching), and the assessment of inter-analyzer reliability helps determining strategies to minimize
measurement errors
Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a six-week PSS program, with different periods of
execution (two and five minutes) and after two weeks of detraining, on GM’s muscle architecture parameters in healthy subjects. The
detraining was evaluated with the aim of verifying if changes in the musculature that may occur with PSS training are maintained when
the stretching stimulus is ceased, characterizing a probable long-term structural adaptation of the musculature. The second aim of this
study was to determine the inter-analyzer reliability of GM’s muscle architecture image analyses process performed by two analyzers with
different time-experience with the image-analysis methodology during an exercise intervention. Based on the available evidence in the
literature, we hypothesize that muscle architecture parameters will remain unchanged after 6 weeks of PSS training with no changes in
the two weeks of follow-up. Moreover, we expect that well-trained analyzers with different experience-time in ultrasound image-analysis
can obtain excellent reliability results, independent of the intervention time and image analysis experience time.
Study design
A randomized clinical trial study was conducted to assess the effects of PSS on muscle architecture parameters. Prior to its
execution, this study was registered in Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry RBR-5j3h3c ((
Initially, the participants were randomly divided into three different groups: control group (CG), with no PSS intervention, 2-
minutes group (G2) that performed PSS for two minutes and 5-minutes group (G5), that performed PSS for five minutes. For the
evaluations, the participants visited the laboratory three times. In the first evaluation (pre-stretching), consent was obtained from all
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Research Article
participants, physical activity was evaluated by the international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ-short form), and the group and limb
randomizations were performed. The participants randomization into the groups was made through an online system
( using the randomly exchanged blocks. Limb randomization was made through drawing between dominant and non-
dominant limb. Next, the assessment of GM’s muscle architecture parameters (MT, PA, and FL) was accomplished with an ultrasound
system by an experienced rater. After six weeks of PSS, on the post-intervention evaluation, the same GM’s muscle architecture
variables were reassessed with a minimum of three days interval from the last PSS session (Figure 1). Two weeks later, the subjects
returned to perform the detraining testing session (follow-up). On all occasions, participants were instructed not to perform any vigorous
physical activity 48 hours before the tests
Figure 1. Study design timeline.
The GPower software (Kiel University, Germany) was used to calculate the sample size. A repeated measures ANOVA was
used, with within-between interactions (F-test family) and, with a priori power analysis, were used to calculate the sample size with α =
0.05, power = 0.80, and effect size f = 0.18. This calculation was performed using values from GM’s PA effect size (ES) value (ES: 0.36)
from a previous study
. A 95% Confidence Interval (CI) and a maximum admitted error of 5% were used. The sample size calculation
totaled 30 subjects. To accommodate possible dropouts, 33 subjects were recruited among recreationally active university students.
Participants aged between 18 and 40 years, who were physically active but not engaged in strength and flexibility training
based on the IPAQ short form, were included. The exclusion criteria were: (1) having any previous history of musculoskeletal injuries or
surgery on the lower limbs; (2) presenting continuous pain on the lower limbs; (3) using analgesics, anti-inflammatory, or muscle
relaxants; (4) presenting hypermobility syndrome, according to the Beighton Score; and (5) having any metabolic diseases, such as
diabetes mellitus.
All participants signed an informed consent form containing all the information pertinent to this study, approved by the
University’s Ethics Committee for Human Research (project number: 2.139.313) according to the Declaration of Helsinki.
Static Stretching Intervention
PSS training for the plantar flexor muscles was applied with a frequency of three times per week, during six weeks, using a step
with at least 15 cm of height. Participants stood erect, with the lower limb being stretched with the forefoot supported on the step, and
both arms against a wall in front of the body to provide balance (Figure 2). They were instructed to stretch the ankle with the highest
intensity tolerated as possible, until reaching the greatest ankle dorsiflexion angle. The stretching protocol was made in the laboratory
with researcher’s supervision. G2 remained in this stretching position for 2 minutes while G5 remained for 5 minutes. Although only one
lower limb was evaluated, both limbs were stretched during intervention, one at a time.
Measurements of Gastrocnemius Medialis Muscle Architecture
An ultrasound system (SSD-4000; Aloka Inc., Tokyo, Japan) with a 60mm linear array probe (7.5 MHz) was used to determine
GM’s MT, PA, and FL. Three ultrasound images were obtained at each time point (i.e., before, after, and two weeks post-intervention) by
an experienced evaluator (3 years of experience with the technique) that was blinded to the participants group and time-point of
intervention. During image acquisition, the subjects remained lying down on a stretcher in a prone position, with the feet positioned out of
the stretcher and the ankle joint at (neutral position). The ankle joint position was maintained with the aid of a goniometer. The
ultrasound probe was positioned longitudinally to the muscle fibers and perpendicular to the skin at 30% of the distance between the
popliteal crease and the lateral malleolus
. A layer of water-soluble transmission gel was used to provide acoustic contact between the
skin and the probe.
For the muscle architecture analysis, MT was considered the distance between the deep and the superficial aponeuroses and
was calculated through the mean value of five parallel lines drawn between these reference points along each ultrasonography image