About the Journal

Aim and Scope

The BJMB accepts original contributions pertaining to the multidisciplinary study of human movement throughout the lifespan, involving a broad range of topics related to the field of Motor Behavior like motor control, development and learning, movement disorders, clinical, theoretical and model studies. These articles could come from diverse disciplines such as kinesiology, biomechanics, neurophysiology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, sports performance, and rehabilitation. Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English. 

The following types of manuscripts will be considered for publication: research articles, systematic review and meta-analysis articles, mini-review articles, scoping review articles, research notes, current opinion, critiques articles, tutorials articles, infographic articles and study protocol articles.

Research articles:  Original manuscripts presenting new information that contributes to the scientific fields covered in the BJMB with methods and results presented systematically. 

Systematic review and meta-analysis articles:  Reviews should be an up-to-date synthesis of well-established topics including a critical analysis of the literature used and its idiosyncratic conclusions. 

Mini-review articles: Mini-reviews should cover an important topic in motor behavior, in a way that will inform readers, including readers not familiar with the topic. Mini-reviews are meant to be short, punchy, and interesting. 

Scoping review articles:  Researchers may conduct scoping reviews instead of systematic reviews where the purpose of the review is to identify knowledge gaps, scope a body of literature, clarify concepts or investigate research conduct.

Research notes:  Short and insightful communications of studies systematically performed presenting exciting new findings. Research notes may represent either a final report on definitive studies which do not require a larger space for complete documentation, or a preliminary report on the new observations of sufficient significance to warrant rapid publication. 

Current Opinion: These editorially reviewed pieces aim to provide a perspective on a current relevant, important, and perhaps controversial issue within the scope of the BJMB.

Critiques articles:  Comments to the Editor on an article published recently in the journal or raising issues that are new to the motor behavior area. In the case of letters commenting on a published paper, normally the author of that paper will be invited to comment/reply to the letter.

Tutorials articles: Articles that provide special, often individual, instruction in a particular area applied to motor behavior. These pieces provide novel and original insight and reflection on the use of one or several methods of modeling, design, analysis, or synthesis in an accessible format that can be used for guided or self-instruction in the motor behavior area. 

Infographic articles: An infographic should be a quick, easy-to-use and enjoyable publication that helps us to remember the information they contain. It is carefully selected information from a systematic review or meta-analysis article, highlighting the key messages, or a visual and easy explanation of a theoretical perspective or intervention effects in the motor behavior area would be provided in this section.  

Study protocol articles: Study protocol articles describe detailed plans for conducting research, including background, rationale, objectives, methodology, statistical plan, and organization of a research project. BJMB accepts submissions of Study Protocols for Clinical Trials and Systematic Reviewsand Meta-analyses within the journal’s scope.


Publication Frequency

Annual continuous publication since 2024.

2019 to 2023: Quarterly (four numbers per year): March, June, September, and December.

2006 to 2018: Annual.


Article Processing Charge

There is NO charge or fee to publish in the BJMB. Also, all articles published in the BJMB are open access freely available online, immediately upon publication.



The manuscript submitted will be accompanied by a cover letter, requesting the evaluation of the work for future publication in BJMB, expressly indicating that: (i) the work has not been disseminated or previously published elsewhere; (ii) the work has only been sent to the BJMB for evaluation and publication, if appropriate; (iii) contributions in terms of the original and novel nature of the work, in the author's opinion. Also, an authorization letter should be submitted accompanying the manuscript.

Therefore, the following documents must be included in the submission:: cover letter, authorization letter, title page, main document (without the author's name, including abstract, highlights and, when necessary, tables and figures after the references with legends), and potential referees.

Archiving policy

The BJMB has automatic preservation in LOCKSS, CLOCKSS, and PKP Preservation Network (PN).