Fatigue effect on muscle coactivation during inversion movement in females with chronic ankle instability





Biomechanics, Motor control, Electromyography, Sprain, Injury, Cross-correlation


BACKGROUND: An ankle sprain is a relevant public health issue. Fatigue changes the neuromuscular response in people with chronic ankle instability (CAI).

AIM: To evaluate the muscle co-activation on people with chronic ankle instability using cross-correlation analysis.

METHOD: Twenty-four healthy women were selected and divided into stability and instability groups. Ankle sprain was simulated with a mechanical platform. Electrical muscle activity (fibularis brevis, FB; fibularis longus, FL; gastrocnemius lateralis, GL; and tibialis anterior, TA) and platform acceleration were recorded at 2KHz. Two sets of 8 right and eight left foot fall in random order were performed before and after the fatigue protocol. Fatigue protocol ended when the volunteer increased the test run time by 150% of the best round. Co-activation was calculated with cross-correlation. Agonist-agonist (FB-FL, FB-GL, and FL-GL) and agonist-antagonist (TA-GL, TA-FB, and TA-FL) pairs were evaluated. Statistical significance was p<0.05.

RESULTS: Co-activation was lower for the instability group. Fatigue did not induce changes in 5 out of the 6 analyzed muscle pairs.

CONCLUSION: CAI is a factor of joint instability. Fatigue may not be relevant in altering joint stability. Therefore, interventions should be focused on enhancing joint stability.


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How to Cite

Teruya, T. T., Soares, A. S. O. C., Serrão, J. C., Mochizuki, L., & Amadio, A. C. (2023). Fatigue effect on muscle coactivation during inversion movement in females with chronic ankle instability. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 17(5), 193–200. https://doi.org/10.20338/bjmb.v17i5.379



Special issue "Fatigue Role in Modulating Motor Skills and Muscular Responses"


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