About the Journal

The Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior (BJMB) is a publication of the Brazilian Society of Motor Behavior (Sociedade Brasileira de Comportamento Motor - SOCIBRACOM) since 2006. BJMB is a free-of-charge, annual, continuous publication, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal. It is an arbitrated journal that uses an external review system by peers who have knowledge of the objects investigated and the methodologies used in the research.

The BJMB accepts original contributions pertaining to the multidisciplinary study of human movement throughout the lifespan, involving a broad range of topics related to the field of Motor Behavior like motor control, development and learning, movement disorders, clinical, theoretical and model studies. These articles could come from diverse disciplines such as kinesiology, biomechanics, neurophysiology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, sports performance, and rehabilitation. 

The BJMB [ISSN: 2446-4902 (online version); 1980-5586 (print version)] is published using the Open Journal System (OJS) technology to improve the speed, efficiency, quality, fairness, and impact of scientific publishing. The submitted manuscript must be original, unpublished, and not be under consideration by any other journal for publication. The authors are the only party responsible for assertions made in their articles. 

BJMB only publishes manuscripts in English.

There is NO charge or fee to publish in the BJMB. Also, all articles published in the BJMB are open access freely available online, immediately upon publication.

The first review of the paper will be taken in a maximum of 60 days after submission.


E-mail: braz.j.motor.behavior@gmail.com 

Brazilian Society of Motor Behavior


Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): SUPPLEMENT
					View Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): SUPPLEMENT

Abstract Book for the XII Brazilian Congress of Motor Behavior (CBCM) and 2º Simpósio Internacional de Prevenção de Quedas em Pessoas Idosas

Published: 2024-12-18
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